WHAT'S FOR LUNCH? Check out our November breakfast and lunch menus: https://www.efschools.net/page/cnp
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
A lunch plate with chicken and mac & cheese and lots of fruit.
ENGINEERING SAFETY AT EFHS: Teachers at East Feliciana High School strive to teach students that safety is not an option, it is a requirement! Students’ goal as young engineers is to reduce and eliminate risk by preventing accidents and hazards. 🧯😷🥽☢️☣️⚠️ Students in Ms. Kenyetta Washington’s Introduction to Engineering class have been researching safety and creating and designing their own safety posters.
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Two students holding up safety posters they designed.
Two students holding up safety posters they designed.
Students designing safety posters.
Congratulations to our East Feliciana Public Schools November Students of the Month, who were recognized for being dedicated!
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Seven children are superimposed onto a light blue backdrop. Above them are the words "Congratulations to our East Feliciana Public Schools November Students of the Month!" and the East Feliciana Public Schools logo. Below them, across a gold bar, are their names and schools: Maxon Jones, Quad Area Head Start; Madisyn Profit, Clinton Elementary School; Jaiden Jolla, Jackson Elementary School; Kinslee Johnson, Slaughter Elementary School; Rodrionna Sims, East Feliciana STEAM Academy; Sebastian Moore, East Feliciana Middle School; and Makyle Cannon, East Feliciana High School.
Congratulations to Mr. Bryson London from Jackson Elementary School, our East Feliciana Public Schools November Employee of the Month!
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
A person is smiling. He stands in front of a light blue backdrop with a cartoon yellow apple and the East Feliciana Public Schools graduation cap logo. Text on the background reads "Congratulations to Mr. Bryson London from Jackson Elementary School, our East Feliciana Public Schools November Employee of the Month!”
THANK YOU, VETERANS! We are grateful to all in our East Feliciana community who have served our community, our state, and our nation.
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Thank You, Veterans! We are grateful to all in our East Feliciana community who have served our community, our state, and our nation.
EXPLORING CLIMATOLOGY AT EF STEAM: Eighth grade students at the East Feliciana STEAM Academy investigated and reported on drought conditions at various locations in the American West.
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Students look at a poster with post-it notes that is titled "Navajo."
A student presents from a poster labeled "Yakima."
SCIENCE LEARNING SHINES BRIGHT AT JES: Students in Ms. Walsh’s 5th grade science class at Jackson Elementary School worked together to research constellations and make posters about their findings.
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Students take notes from a book about stars.
Using a computer, students take notes about constellations.
CELEBRATING COMMUNITY HELPERS AT SES: Pre-K students at Slaughter Elementary School have been learning about community helpers! Last month, they spoke with a principal, a physician supervisor, firefighters, a school resource officer, and a dental assistant. They also shared their gratitude by writing thank you notes and drawing a picture to all the hard working school helpers on campus, including the cafeteria staff and the office staff.
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Two cafeteria workers with a smiling student.
A pre-k class with a smiling adult.
A pre-k student with a law enforcement officer.
A pre-k student with a secretary.
BUILDING WORDS TOGETHER AT CES: Students in Ms. Rogers’ kindergarten class at Clinton Elementary School listen for the sounds to build the word using a chaining folder. Building students’ phonics and phonemic awareness skills is a key component of our early literacy classrooms.
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
A student standing while doing a word chaining folder.
a student sitting while doing a word chaining folder.
STORYBOOK CHARACTER DAY: Elementary students celebrated Storybook Character Day on October 31 with costumes, read alouds, and checking out some festive and spooky books!
about 1 month ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
A royal child reads a Halloween book.
A superhero child shows off a Halloween book.
A dragon child reads a Halloween book.
A child and an adult, both holding up the book that inspired their costume.
Three royal children with a pumpkin adult.
East Feliciana High School carpentry students demonstrated the ability to frame a structure while EFHS agriculture students used knowledge of previous NCCER lessons on hand and power tools. Collectively, all classes worked together to complete the model deer stand project!
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Students work with drills as other students watch.
Students work with drills and ladders.
Students painting.
Students stand by the frame of a deer stand.
Last week, the Exceptional Student Services classes of East Feliciana Public Schools had a wonderful opportunity to participate in Buster L. Brown Day at the Greater Baton Rouge State Fair. This special event was designed to bring joy and excitement to the students. Throughout the day, students enjoyed a variety of thrilling carnival rides, which added a sense of adventure and exhilaration to their experience. They also watched the Swifty Swine Racing Pigs Show, where the pigs competed in races, showcasing their speed and agility. To top it off, students were treated to a delightful picnic-style lunch, allowing them to enjoy a meal in a fun and relaxed setting — all at no cost. This event not only created lasting memories but also provided a valuable opportunity for students to develop their social skills. They interacted with peers from surrounding districts, fostering friendships and building a sense of community among students with diverse backgrounds. Overall, it was a day filled with joy, learning, and connection for everyone involved.
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
A child driving a small car.
Students on a carnival ride.
A child driving a carnival vehicle.
A child driving a carnival vehicle.
A child playing a carnival game.
A child smiling on a carnival ride.
FALL FUN IN EAST FELICIANA PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Last week, students in our elementary schools participated in the East Feliciana Chamber of Commerce Trunk or Treat held in downtown Clinton.
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
People in costumes sitting on steps.
People in costumes sitting on steps.
People in costumes sitting on steps.
People in costumes sitting on steps.
People in costumes in front of a courthouse.
A child in a mermaid costume.
Children in costumes in front of a school bus.
🍊✨ Satsuma season is here! We’re excited to bring a taste of Louisiana to our cafeterias with fresh satsumas from a local farmer! Throughout satsuma season, students will enjoy these delicious, easy-to-peel citrus fruits, which often stay green on the outside but reveal a bright orange, juicy sweetness on the inside. Satsumas are not only a fun, nutritious snack but also support our Farm to School initiative, bringing locally grown produce to our cafeterias during National Farm to School Month. #SatsumaSeason #FarmToSchool #HealthyKids
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
The inside of some delicious satsumas next to some unpeeled satsumas.
As part of National School Bus Safety Week, our bus drivers and riders practiced bus evacuation drills; and we presented special gifts to our bus drivers!
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Bus drivers presented with a gift.
Students evacuating a bus.
Students evacuating a bus.
In order to explore the importance of precision in engineering design, students enrolled in engineering courses at East Feliciana High School wrote “code” for the design of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then practiced precisely following each other’s PB&J code!
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
A student following directions to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
A student following directions to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
EXPLORING ANIMAL TRAITS AT JES: 3rd grade students in Ms. Griffith’s class at Jackson Elementary School have been comparing and contrasting specific animal traits during their Inheritance and Traits unit in science class. One of the key purposes of science learning in East Feliciana Public Schools is to help students develop as scientific observers and analysts!
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Two students look at cards while also observing a poster that says "animal traits."
Two students write notes while looking at pictorial animal cards.
EVERYONE'S A LEARNER AT CES: Teachers in East Feliciana Public Schools collaborate during the school day to better meet student needs. At Clinton Elementary School, teachers have a weekly extended cluster planned and facilitated by teachers. This cluster, focused on examining teacher and student data, was facilitated by Mrs. Tucker, 1st grade teacher.
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
Teachers looking at data during a meeting.
East Feliciana High School seniors were honored to welcome Mr. Corey Williams, a native of Clinton, LA and Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) employee, to EFHS! 🎉 Our seniors got an exclusive presentation using the 'My Life, My Way' simulator. The simulator is LWC’s new tool used to help with career planning. The tool estimates living costs around the state and connects users to occupations that make their lifestyle choices affordable. 🌟 #EFHS #Inspiration #MyLifeMyWay
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
A man stands in front of a smartboard displaying a workforce development app.
CIVIC LEARNING AT SES: Students in Ms. Laiche’s 3rd grade class at Slaughter Elementary School analyzed text sources to identify key points about each branch of the government. Louisiana’s new social studies standards at each grade level introduce students to ways they can be involved in their community and their government.
about 2 months ago, East Feliciana Public Schools
A student writing on a poster labeled "legislative branch."
A student reading text while standing at a poster labeled "judicial branch."